Sep 30, 2009
This episode of Visibility 9-11 welcomes Dr. Frank
Legge, PhD to the program. Dr. Legge is a chemist and serves
as a co-editor at the Journal of 9-11 Studies. He
has contributed many essays and papers on the topic of September
11th, including his role in the peer reviewed article titled
Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust
from the 9-11 World Trade Center Catastrophe.
This interview focuses on Dr. Legge's new essay is titled
What Hit the
Pentagon? and is published in it's latest version (v.5)
at the Journal of 9-11 Studies. This essay's leading
hypothesis states that:
Dr. Legge also includes a minor hypothesis which says:
Both hypotheses are examined as well as the idea that the "no plane
at the Pentagon" theory is a booby trap for the entire
movement. This idea states that if members of the 9-11
movement continue to promote this "no plane" theory as fact,
that as our efforts become increasingly mainstream, we run the risk
of the government producing a video of AA 77 actually hitting the
Pentagon. We know the government has many videos which they
have deliberately withheld from the public. What little
information we have been given through official channels has only
fueled the "no plane" argument. If a video were released
tomorrow, it is suggested that this would thrust the entire
movement into disarray as well as be used in the media to discredit
us and irrevocably damage our credibility.
Also of importance in Dr. Legge's essay is the section on The
Principle. We at Visibility 9-11 endorse this approach
and caution listeners and visitors to do your homework and only
present to the public that information which is solidly documented
or backed up by scientific research.
Lastly, is a brief mention of the fine work of John Bursill in
hosting 4 events in Australia and New Zealand during the month of
November. The Hard Evidence Tour Down Under
2009 will feature my guest Dr. Legge as well as other
solid and reputable members of the movement, and providing to the
public only the best evidence we have. Thanks to John Bursill
for pulling together such a fine line-up and for setting a great
example for everyone to follow when it comes to bringing to the
public only that information which can be solidly proven. If
you want to help with the costs associated with these conferences,
which are largely being funded by John himself, please send an
email to