Apr 22, 2007
This special edition of Visibility 9-11 features
Unearthing; An Awakening Has Arrived, an essay by
Manuel Valenzuela, here recorded and narrated by Michael
Unearthing; An Awakening Has Arrived
With Truth Comes Awakening
The suppression of truth has long been among the highest priorities
for the upper echelons of power and authority. For a minority elite
that clings to power by the manipulation of the masses using an
omnipresent cocktail of lies, deception, mass-produced ignorance
and ingrained propaganda, the destruction of truth is an essential
method of control. It is a formula that has worked to unmitigated
success for the elite throughout history, whether the shadows of
power stretch from ancient pyramids, marble temples, castles,
mansions or halls of governance. Those holding the levers of power
and control understand, better than most, that the dissemination of
truths to a blind majority could spell the end of their reign, for
truth brings sight to the blind.